Sculpting with Light: Medieval and Modern Cosmology confronts human attempts to grasp and master the structure and meaning of the universe. SWL investigates medieval cosmology from Aristotle to Dante, via Islamic astronomy, the EAGLE project at the cutting edge of modern galaxy modelling and soft matter physics and material-flow.
We are making expanding and contracting, nesting spheres (medieval cosmology). We are transforming 2D folding techniques, which map the distribution of dark matter and galaxies, into a 3D model using origami and cellular wire forms. These structures are more chaotic but loosely linked to polyhedral geometry and neural networks.
T: @alexlovesclay
#scultpingwithlight #medievalcosmos #expandinguniverse #darkmatter
Are you an Artist, Scientist, Technologist/ Maker or Other?
Artist l Scientists | Historian
Summarise what areas of Science/ Technology/ Art are you looking to explore?
We are currently investigating ways of visualising, both in 2D and 3D, the medieval and modern cosmos. We are developing ways of making expanding and contracting, nesting spheres (medieval cosmology). We are also demonstrating the expansion of the universe in current cosmology with reference to dark matter. We are attempting to transform 2d folding techniques, which map the distribution of dark matter and galaxies, into a three dimensional model. The structures here are more chaotic but loosely linked to polyhedral geometry and neural networks. We are exploring this with origami and cellular wire forms.
Your Team
Alexandra Carr (Artist), Dr Giles Gasper (Historian -Medieval History), Professor Tom McLeish (Physicist – Soft Matter Physics), Professor Richard Bower (Cosmologist), Dr Mark Neyrinck (Cosmologist)
Why do you want to take part ASMbly Lab?
Our motivation for participating is two-fold. Firstly we would be interested in working with anyone who feels they have skills we are mising and to bring a new perspective to the project. Secondly we are keen to gain feedback on how we are attempting to visualise such complex ideas. We would like to guage if the outcomes so far are effective conceptually as well as aesthetically, in addition to being a good teaching aid. We would welcome challenging questions and constructive critisicm to develop our ideas and work further. This project is likely to be a small test project to springboard to further developments so we welcome opportunities to work with other institutions and individuals, as well as other collaborative projects as a result of this.
Is this a new/ existing project, artwork or piece of research?
This is an existing project in its very early stages. It is an artist’s residency hosted by Durham University and supported by the Leverhulme Trust. We have been working together for a month and the project spans a total of four months.
Sculpting with Light: Medieval and Modern Cosmology confronts human attempts to grasp and master the structure and meaning of the universe. Inspired by research into medieval sources, including illustrated manuscripts, and modern research in physics, astrophysics and cosmology, the project features artist Alexandra Carr. Working principally with Dr Giles Gasper (Medieval History) and with Professors Tom McLeish (Physics) and Richard Bower (Institute for Computational Cosmology) Alex will investigate the world of medieval cosmology from Aristotle to Dante, via Islamic astronomy, the EAGLE project at the cutting edge of modern galaxy modelling and soft matter physics and material- flow.
Are you looking for collaborators?
Potentially yes. We are specifically interested in those with a sound knowledge of three dimensional geometry, in particular spherical geometry. We are exploring networks of structures, tension and expansion. It would also be interesting to meet people with experience of working with light in a live environment.
Skill Sharing
Among the group is extensive knowledge and experience in making, origami, computing and modelling as well as a deep understanding of cosmology (both current and historically) and astrophysics.
Where are you based?