bioLeeds: kickstarting art-science-maker collaborations
bioLeeds is an event to kickstart art-science-maker collaborations in Leeds around art, design, engineering and hacking of and with biology.
Speakers include scientists working in the new field of synthetic biology, a textile artist who devises future materials, and Leeds makers who are building and using DIY microscopes.
There are open speaker slots for anyone who would like to present their own work.
That work doesn’t need to be related to biology in any way.
An interest in exploring new possibilities and a willingness to collaborate is enough at this stage.
Everyone who gives a talk will finish with a “next steps” offer, setting out what they want to happen next, what they will contribute to making it happen, and what help they need from other people for the next step.
There will also be an “offer wall” where people who are not giving a presentation can post their own ideas and offers. Enthusiasm and commitment are a welcome first step, ideas can come later.
Ideas and offers will be collected and shared at the event and afterwards, so that connections can be made and activity can be started.
If you would like to present your work, please email Andrew Wilson wilsonandybATgmailDOTcom [replace AT and DOT]
Facebook page.
bioLeeds is Wednesday 6 November, 6-8pm, upstairs at the Packhorse pub, 208 Woodhouse Ln, Leeds, LS2 9DX Phone:0113 245 3980 Map
bioLeeds is collectively organised by the participants at bioASMBly, Leeds’ first ever event exploring art, design, engineering and hacking of and with biology, in collaboration with Superposition.